Turn teachings into lived experiences.

These frameworks and tools provide a chance to explore different approaches, allowing you to apply and experience teachings in a real, impactful way. I hope you enjoy the journey!

The Gremlin Technique
success story Kara Cardiff success story Kara Cardiff

The Gremlin Technique

Got a negative voice in your head holding you back? That’s your ‘gremlin’ talking! Identify it, name it, and challenge its lies. Reframe those thoughts into something empowering—and take back control of your story.

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success story Kara Cardiff success story Kara Cardiff


Stuck in negative thinking? Try the ABCDE model:
A = Activating event
B = Beliefs
C = Consequences
D = Disputation of beliefs
E = New Effect.
Challenge your beliefs and shift your mindset for a healthier perspective!

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